Province has remained the #1 financial advisor to unsecured creditors’ committees since 2018
Our RolesIn addition to serving as the top advisor to unsecured creditors’ committees, Province is regularly hired to serve in a variety of other financial advisory and restructuring roles.
Financial Advisor to Company
Independent Director & Advisor Thereto
Financial Advisor to Official Committees
Chief Restructuring Officer / C-Suite
Litigation & Forensic Support
Institutional Creditor Advisor
Financial Advisor to Trustee
Expert Witness
Wind Down Officer
THE PROVINCE DIFFERENCEWe leverage our expertise in turnaround and distressed engagements to provide “all weather” efficient and effective solutions.
Senior Hands-On Experience. There is no substitute for experience. Unlike traditional consulting firms who may have senior leader “fly-bys”, we instead lead with senior leader involvement and accountability. Our diverse professional backgrounds in investment banking, consulting, legal and operations, allow us to provide a wide range of service offerings that cross over numerous sectors, industries and specializations.
Tailored Approach. Our advisory services are customized to the client; we don’t use “cookie cutter” approaches. We eliminate ambiguity through clearly defined and transparent work plans, and we continuously produce high-quality work, even within short timeframes.
Seamless Client Engagement. Our goal is to make engagements simple for our clients. We accomplish this by remaining results driven and avoiding the “fluff” other firms use as a crutch. Our work ethic is unwavering, and we deliver quality services from inception to implementation.
Efficient & Effective. Our boutique size and in-house sector and functional expertise allow us to avoid unnecessary overhead costs and fees that are commonly seen within larger firms who have infrastructure and bureaucracy to support.
Reputation for Results. We are relentless in our pursuits and our client-centric focus provides us with sustainable results for both middle-market and large-market companies. We continuously come out on top against larger firms, and our “hard-earned” reputation and client satisfaction provide us with an ongoing source of referrals.